Bible Blueprints

Disclosure: I received this complimentary product through the Homeschool Review Crew.
Bible Blueprints
Homeschool Review Crew
Do you add Bible to your homeschool? For us, it’s a core subject even though the state doesn’t count it as one of our core subjects. It still counts for hours though! Recently we’ve been using a new resource in our homeschool for Bible time. Bible Blueprints from Teach Sunday School is a PDF download we received as part of the Homeschool Review Crew. We received both the Old Testament and New Testament Bible Blueprints for our review.
About Teach Sunday School and Bible Blueprints
Bible Blueprints is a Bible overview from Teaching Sunday School. Teaching Sunday School has a mission to bring a hunger for Jesus and teach children about Him and the Bible. Through that mission they have created multiple products for children. These can be used for homeschool or just for a daily time in the Bible.
With Bible Blueprints you get each book of the Bible. It tells you about the book, where it can be found, when it was written, what type of book it is, and how many chapters it has in it. Each book has just one page full of information. This way you can have the page out and open to the book of the Bible you are currently studying.
Our Thoughts
We have had the pleasure of reviewing for Teach Sunday School before. Last year we reviewed Bible Breakdowns and I was a bit worried with this review that they would be the same. While they do share some of the same information they are not the same and are indeed totally different products. We have enjoyed using Bible Blueprints as much as we did the breakdowns.
In my opinion, the Bible breakdowns are great for using as a daily reading plan. You can just read the Bible through in a section at a time. You still get some of hte information about that book of the Bible such as who wrote it and when but you then get a breakdown of what chapters are about what so it’s easy to use as a reading guide.
Bible Blueprints is not a reading guide. It is used to go with your current Bible study and help you understand the book that you are reading.
Let’s Chat
The PDF download is an amazing colorful document. You can download it all and then print it all or simply print what you need as you need it. I chose to print the whole thing so I can place it in a binder. My goal is to laminate a copy so it can stay clean.
Why you might ask?
Because my current copy is no longer clean. And of course, doesn’t every homeschool mom need to laminate things?!
With the colorful PDF(yes I recommend printing it in color) we like to read the entire sheet for the book we’re on as we start that book of the Bible. For instance, if you were going to read Genesis as a family, the day you start Genesis you’d take a few minutes to read about the book from the sheet. And then for us each day after I read the description under the section of the book we’re reading so they know what they’re listening for.
After we’re done reading I can ask questions about what we read and see who picked out the key points. It’s also fun to see who can remember what order the book is in the Bible, what type of book, when it was written, by whom, etc.
For little children I recommend doing what I listed above. For older children we have done things a bit differently.
Using this with High School
For my high school studnets I printed them off their own copy. I told them I expect to see it marked up! Basically on the little sections of what happens where I told them I wanted them to note the actual verse above each life event that is listed. So if it said Jesus is crucified, I wanted them to put the exact verse next to that. If it said locusts came as a plague, again I wanted that verse.
Sure they can skim and grab that information but any time in the Bible is good for us. I’m a firm believer that we absorb what we use and I want those hands on and in that Bible as much as I can. My goal as a mother is to raise my children in such a way that they can function, survive, and thrive in the “real” world and for us as Christians that means a solid basis of faith.
I truly believe that this resource can be used by everyone in the family. For myself personally I have made my own binder(can you tell I love binders) and within my binder I have the book of the Bible, and then several pages of notebook paper so that I can do my daily Bible journalling within the binder. I’d love to start this for my older kids now that I think about it and younger kids as well.
Thanks for letting me type this out and giving me ideas!
I can’t wait to see what other people think of the resource!
Learn More
You can learn more about what all the reviewers thought of the Bible blueprints by reading all of the reviews linked up on the Main Blog Post over on the Homeschool Review Crew blog. Teach Sunday School can also be found on Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest.
Thank you. I sent the information on to my niece who homeschools.
Erin S.
I hope they find it helpful!